Why is this Sector Important?

Education lays the foundation for the political, social, and economic development of any country. A viable education system enables the nation to achieve its national goals. Pakistan as a developing country has faced critical problems of education since its inception and therefore, the system of education has failed to deliver according to the aspirations of the nation.

Commercialization, growing population, diminishing public investment at all levels (elementary, secondary, higher), and multiple education systems (madrasah, public, foreign/A/O-level) are tearing apart society and creating different citizen classes. It is also straining the finances of the general public who find it difficult to get quality education even after going to private schools/universities

(Envisioning a Bright Future for this Sector)

Use inclusive digital or non-digital  solutions to improve the quality of learning and teaching towards better outcomes for students and parents

(Major problems and issues for this sector that require innovation and use of technology)

Following are some key areas where innovators can add significant value for the education sector but they should not confine themselves to only these:

  • Quality of Learning and Teaching – including advanced technology, distance learning, teacher training
  • Improve School Enrolment – low enrollment, high scale dropouts
  • Reduce Cost – A major burden for many families
  • Influence Public Policy and Government Investment – Influence public policy to increase spending to 4% of GDP
  • Consolidate Education System – A single education system, powered by a well-designed curriculum, that provides quality education and aligns with national aspirations
(A list of sample ideas to get innovators started. Innovators are encouraged to explore a variety of viable solutions.)
  • Systems for enabling massively online learning both for students and teachers.
  • Online and reliable proctoring of exams and tests
  • Address overcrowding in schools
  • Broader community involvement in education with a country-wide “adopt a school” initiative
  • Connecting higher education with industry
  • Commercialization of research from public universities

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