Mardan And Surrounding Areas

University of Engineering & Technology Mardan
A proud partner and city host for NIB
Vice Chancellor
Prof. Dr. Shahid Khattak
Empowering the youth of this nation is the only way forward for this country. With a huge human resource at our disposal the potential for being a regional powerhouse of ICT and technology is immense. I am very glad that National Idea Bank is collaborating with University of Engineering and Technology Mardan to implement NIB ideas competition. This will encourage our youth to think out of the box and will instill confidence in their capabilities.
UET Mardan is located in the second largest city in KPK within a few hours’ drive from both the provincial and national capital. It has the best engineering laboratories in the province and with highly qualified staff it has great potential of becoming the leading cradle of technology education in the country. We hope that NIB ideas competition will become a springboard which will help us launch our incubation center and put us on the road to finding technology solutions to our national problems.
Focal Person
Dr. Muhammad Ali

Any Pakistani from anywhere in the world can submit an idea from our city however, we especially welcome students and faculty from the following institutions.
  • Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan
  • Women University Mardan, Mardan
  • University of Engineering and Technology, Mardan
  • Pakistan Military Academy, Abbotabad
  • Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Abbotabad
  • University of Buner, Buner
  • Bacha Khan University, Charsadda
  • University of Chitral, Chitral
  • University of Haripur, Haripur
  • University of Malakand, Lower Dir
  • Hazara University, Manshera
  • Northern University, Nowshera
  • University of Technology, Nowshera
  • Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Swabi
  • University of Swabi, Swabi
  • Women University Swabi, Swabi
  • University of Swat, Swat
  • Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Upper Dir

Become Official NIB Sponsor

It's time to give back to society. Choose the city you want to sponsor from the dropdown below.
Note: Pakistani residents who want to sponsor NIB can transfer money using the following bank information
(Currency conversion rate used Pakistani Rs. 170.00 = $1.00 US):
ACCOUNT TITLE: GIST Technology (Pvt) Ltd
IBAN: PK29DUIB0000000667536001
(Please make sure to email your receipt to [email protected])