Who can submit an Idea?

Any Pakistani, any age, any qualification, any gender, living anywhere in the world.

27 Sep. – 8th Nov 2021 (Call For ideas)

8 Nov. 2021 (Last Day to submit ideas)

22-27 Nov. 2021 (City Competitions)

15-17 Dec. 2021 (Provisional Competitions)

17-18 Jan. 2022 (National Competition)

24 Jan. 2022 (Final Results)

If your city is not in the list just select the city closest to you.

By virtue of getting published, you get the security that your idea was registered with NIB on a specific date/time.
IdeaGist is providing platform for ideas storage. For the past 8 years, there is not been a single incident of idea stealing reported on IdeaGist platform.

Problem statements are defined under each sector when you press “View More”.

Submit your idea online on www.nibpk.org.
Go to bottom of the page and download guide to “How to submit ideas”

8th November 2021 is the last date to submit your ideas.

For overseas Pakistanis, when you register pick a local city and province from Pakistan that your family belongs to.

Visit nibpk.org/call-for-ideas-open/ . Review all six sectors and their problem statements. Select the one most appropriate for your idea. Visit kjsp.ideagist.com and join the community. Complete your profile as innovator.

You can submit multiple ideas in different sectors. Make sure to only submit one idea per sector.

Yes, for multiple ideas you have to fill the form multiple times.

Sustainable Development Goals.

Yes, you can submit your ideas in Urdu.

You will mark it as yes, because when the idea is in the process of being patented you will get a priority date. Then in the details section you can mention that your idea is in the process of being patented.

Only the shortlisted ideas. In-complete, low quality or sloppy entries will not be entertained.

Mentors will guide you after idea selection, not after idea submission.

12 minutes in total, 5 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for Q & A, 2 minutes for hurdles and 2 minutes for scoring. Judges can add more time for presentation in case there is a need for it. It all depends on judge’s decision.

Renewable energy and fossil fuel or Natural Resources.


Basically, idea cannot be patented, from protection point of view. You can only copyright it if you have published it somewhere, or you have some research paper that you have that discloses the patent. Product and Process can be patented but idea itself cannot be patented.

No, once ideas are submitted they are submitted and there is no editing.

No, you cannot submit idea through Email.

No, you don't need to use different email addresses, your profile is going to be same, so if you want to submit 10 ideas you can use the same Email.

No, there is no fee for anything. If someone asks you for a fee or money to submit your idea, you need to report it to us by sending an email to [email protected]

No, we will be expecting 1000’s of ideas, so it will be impossible to provide feedback on Individual ideas. Only ideas that qualify for the competition round will get mentorship.

Yes, if it solves any problem in Pakistan you can submit an idea.

Only the team leader will present the presentation. Full team can be there with the team lead, but due to short time available for the presentation there will not be any opportunity for multiple people to present.

Six from each city, six from each province and six in the nationals.

No, it is not must, but our suggestion for you is to start building a team who believes in your idea, if you are serious about working on your idea.

There are no rules on team size, although an ideal startup team is usually between 3 to 5 team members.