Source Factory

NIB III Winner

Problem Statement

In a country like Pakistan we are full of natural resources and good brain people. I believe from birth day to last day of life peoples belongs to average family solve a a lot of problems in life by him/her self to live better life. This ability refine our thinking ability and creativity. We just need to direct the creativity into right way. My startup solve a lot of problem belongs to different industry regarding sourcing. As people know my startup existence in the market so they often come to me and ask about different machinery to develop byproduct or refine the available one to support export. Moreover, as my startup onboard many academics laboratory so we connect existing problem to academician they solve it and then we customize the machinery or import the selective one to improve export. This one window sourcing problem solve hundreds of problems from Pakistan especially from Punjab region as my company is existing in punjab only we need opportunities to scaleup into the next level. Around 80% pf brains dead in the last semester of degree when they started thinking or going into depression mode that what they will with their degree after the graduation. The result is that due to lack of counselling the creative brain become dead. My startup is all about youth.

About Idea

My idea to to scale up the business to the APP development so masses of literary people can access the app and streamline their ideas into reality with us. Next is the to address with businessman to connect with new ideas of food processing is just an example in the same way help them to open the doors of boarders of them and break communication barriers. So with the help of expert and onboard academician they tern their idea into reality and increase exports.


Name:Faheem Azher City: Faisalabad

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