City Host

A proud partner and city host for NIB

And Adjoining Areas
Vice Chancellor
Pro Dr. Wasim Qazi
“Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.”

― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

All success stories in the fields of business, industry and technology have an innovative idea at their core. Innovation and creativity are the driving forces of the development and advancement in all spheres of the modern world. As the world enters the fourth industrial revolution, promoting innovative thinking, informational technology and research skills, and entrepreneurial spirit among our youth is the need of the hour to develop a knowledge-based economy in Pakistan.

National Idea Bank (NIB) is a valuable initiative to find creative solutions to the problems in the industrial, business, educational, governance, and social sectors of Pakistan. It will provide a valuable opportunity for our youth to use their talent, innovation and

creativity to think critically about the indigenous problems, issues and challenges and devise practical, sustainable and comprehensive solutions. The participants will explore all aspects of their suggested ideas including the value of their technology, target market and its size, competitors, key milestones, the strength of the management team, and financial projections before submission which will be a valuable learning experience too.
It is encouraging to see that NIB will provide support, mentorship and resources to our youth for transforming their ideas into practical products, systems and ventures through a collaboration of academia, industry and government.

I am confident that the National Idea Bank competition will foster innovation, business acumen, and problem-solving skills among our youth to transform them into competent entrepreneurs, professionals and leaders of the future.

Focal Person
Aarij Hussaan

Jennifer Waris

Any Pakistani from anywhere in the world can submit an idea from our city however, we especially welcome students and faculty from the following institutions.

Become Official NIB Sponsor

It's time to give back to society. Choose the city you want to sponsor from the dropdown below.
Note: Pakistani residents who want to sponsor NIB can transfer money using the following bank information
(Currency conversion rate used Pakistani Rs. 170.00 = $1.00 US):
ACCOUNT TITLE: GIST Technology (Pvt) Ltd
IBAN: PK29DUIB0000000667536001
(Please make sure to email your receipt to [email protected])