City Host Sialkot

Sialkot and Surrounding Areas

University of

A proud partner and city host for NIB

Vice Chancellor

Prof. Dr. Saeed ul Hassan Chishti

“I feel honored to lead the COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) as Rector and share with you my vision for CUI, which has always been an innovative institution of learning and development. Our focus in the coming years will be to transform CUI to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing technological environment as well as societal needs through the best affordable academic programs at par with leading global standards, within Pakistan. In short, we envision making CUI “the University of Choice” in Pakistan and across Asia. Although an ambitious vision, but I believe that the talent, skill and experience available at CUI will enable us to achieve success with dedication and hard work.”

Focal Person

Dr. Ahmed Tahir

Any Pakistani from anywhere in the world can submit an idea from our city however, we specially welcome students and faculty from the following institutions.

Download Guide for Idea Submission Here

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Note: Pakistani residents who want to sponsor NIB can transfer money using the following bank information
(Currency conversion rate used Pakistani Rs. 170.00 = $1.00 US):
ACCOUNT TITLE: GIST Technology (Pvt) Ltd
IBAN: PK29DUIB0000000667536001
(Please make sure to email your receipt to [email protected])

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