National Idea Bank

National Idea Bank Pakistan is a collaboration between academia, government, Industry and Society to identify and showcase innovative ideas to solve indigenous problems.

Inaugurated by the President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi, on February 4, 2021, the National Idea Bank issued its first international call for ideas on September 27, 2021 by Federal Minister for IT Syed Ameen Ul Haq.

Statistics Achieved

Ideas Submitted


Universities Reached

City Host Participating


People Reached

Sponsorship Packages

An Opportunity to Sponsor Pakistani’s largest Competition for Startups?
During the month of November and December 2021, both City and Provincial level events occurred, and the final event happened on January 27th, 2022 in Islamabad. The Second call for ideas will start on 10th April, and This year event will be a great opportunity to promote your brand during pre-event social media and traditional media visibility campaigns to more than 25 million people, and to attendees in thousands during the on-site events, including the final event. We have put together multiple sponsorship packages that could fit your branding needs.

Corporate Sponsorship Packages

Acknowledged as a premium supporter of both the National Idea Bank (NIB) contest and Pakistan Innovates Conference, and enjoy.


One Time

In Pakistan, your brand will be reaching out to 15 million nationally

Half million international reach

Exclusive sponsorship and branding for the Pakistan Innovate conference day

Recognition as a sponsor of the conference, with branding below Platinum & Gold Sponsors

Conference Invites

Promotion at the Conference

Showcasing logos on Website

Limited on-site promotion

Promotion to media and press outlets as a Sliver supporter of the Conference

Opportunity to place company material on sponsor table at the Conference

One Time

In Pakistan, your brand will be reaching out to 15 million nationally

Half million international reach

Exclusive branding of a unique aspect of specific events
Recognition as a major sponsor, with branding below Platinum sponsors
Conference & VIP Networking reception invites
Promotion during NIB contest events, Workshop, and at the Conference
Showcasing logos on Website and during some of the social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) campaigns
Limited on-site promotion during multiple City & Provincial events, for 2 Day Workshop, and on the Pakistan Innovates Event
1 access pass to the VIP Lounge

Promotion to media and press outlets as a Gold supporter of the Conference

Opportunity to place company material on sponsor table at the Conference

One Time

In Pakistan, your brand will be reaching out to 15 million nationally

Half million international reach

Exclusive branding of a unique aspect of all events
Recognition as a major sponsor, with branding above Gold and Silver sponsors
Conference & VIP Networking Reception Invites
Promotion prior and during the contest events and the conference
Showcasing logos at the top of sponsors list on Website and during some of the digital and social media visibility as a platinum sponsor
Preferred on-site promotion during multiple City and Provincial events, for 2-day Workshop, and on the Pakistan Innovates Event
2 access passes to the VIP Lounge

Promotion to media and press outlets as a Platinum Supporter of the Conference

Promotion to media and press outlets as a Platinum Supporter of the Conference

Individual Sponsorship Packages

Acknowledged to support NIB Cause, with an option to be anonymous.
One Time
One Time
One Time
All individual sponsors’ names and photos will be displayed on the website as individual contributors for the NIB noble cause, unless any sponsor requests to stay anonymous.

National Idea Bank (NIB) contest and Pakistan Innovates Conference, and enjoy Exclusive sponsorship and branding for the Pakistan Innovate conference day.

Become Official NIB Sponsor

It's time to give back to society. Choose the city you want to sponsor from the dropdown below.
Note: Pakistani residents who want to sponsor NIB can transfer money using the following bank information
(Currency conversion rate used Pakistani Rs. 170.00 = $1.00 US):
ACCOUNT TITLE: GIST Technology (Pvt) Ltd
IBAN: PK29DUIB0000000667536001
(Please make sure to email your receipt to [email protected])